Internationalisation of Cleantec
Students assisted a clean tech company in analysing their internationalisation processes. They identified countries, regions, and market segments.
- curricular module with 14 hours workload
- 165 Bachelor students (50% Dutch / 50% International)
- 1 academic partner (7 staff)
- 1 business partner (3 staff)
- 3 Bachelor theses
- 1 Bachelor studies project
- 2 Master’s studies projects
- 1 international students collaboration project
Main elements
In Sweden:
- Technologies for electricity generation from industrial excess heat (Bachelor thesis).
- Drying and combustion of sewage sludge (Bachelor thesis).
- The European ORC-market – A study of the market’s driving forces and obstacles, stakeholders, and potential future development (Bachelor thesis).
- General market and competition analysis (Bachelor studies project).
- Investigation of expansion of Againity into east European countries and the waste to energy market (Masters studies projects).
- Upscaling upcycling business - A study of support business ecosystems for upscaling upcycling businesses (Masters studies projects).
Swedish-Dutch knowledge exchange project:
- internationalization cleantech mini-case Againity in minor International Business of Avans UAS (3rd year program)
- individual work
- B2B focus (usually B2C-cases)
- delivery of one-pager with chosen go-to-market approach
- tutor feedback
What‘s new?
- real small-scale company, huge differentiated international market
- many individual assignments “business expansion” project
- digital exchange of knowledge with the company
- high level of technology for business students
In Sweden:
Againity’s internationalization strategy
· Grow on the north European market (Baltic countries, Finland, Poland, Great Britain) by own sale personnel and sales agents/partners.
· Get closer to the industrial waste heat market.
· A long-term focus on waste-to-energy applications.
· Building strategic alliances with boiler manufacturers and consulting firms in the energy sector.
Swedish-Dutch knowledge exchange project:
- not formally at the activity level within the program
- students appreciated cleantech product/services internationalization from a B2B perspective (almost all cases used in the program are B2C)
Main outcomes
In Sweden:
· Overall analysis of the European ORC market.
· Alternative technologies and competition in northern Europe.
· Mapping of heat producers, including yearly production (GWh heat/year) and installed power (MW).
· Regulatory aspects, electricity prices, taxes.
· Specific projects on waste-to-energy in south-eastern Europe and electricity production from sewage gas.
Swedish-Dutch knowledge exchange project:
- 165 identified go-to-market opportunities / potential partners to work with focusing on a wide range of different countries and sectors
- better understanding of the complexity of real international business expansion of a (clean)tech case
Lessons learned & Future plans
- Challenging for students to meet both academic and company requirements.
- Composition of the student teams influenced their focus on either ORC technology or internationalization.
- more attention should be given to the feedback loop from students to company (time-plan, expected deliverables etc.)
- organizing a best-off presentation and feedback session with the company
- involving tutors more in the preparations helps increase the quality of their guidance and students’ learning/end-product
- improve case introduction through recorded video followed by Q&A session
More information at: Joakim Wren ( & Rogier de Jong MBA (